Why You Should Use Instagram to Promote Your Business

Why You Should Use Instagram to Promote Your Business

According to a Marketing Student

Submitted to Professor Jonathan Schroeder Rochester Institute of Technology Visual Communications December 11, 2017

By Abigail Austin


Brand Identity: the strategic heart of the brand, what the brand manager imagines the brand to be Brand Image: in the minds of the consumer, in the actual marketplace Brand Culture: refers to the cultural dimensions or codes of brands that influence brand meaning SEO: Search engine optimization B2B: Business-to-business B2C: Business-to-consumer CPM: Cost per thousand impressions


With the increased popularity of the internet, traditional marketing evolved from print, radio, and television ads to digital marketing techniques such as SEO, direct email campaigns, and in-app advertising. Unfortunately for advertisers, consumers felt overwhelmed by the number of ads flooding their browsers and developed ad blockers and spam filters to keep ads away. Advertisers had to get creative and develop strategies to reach consumers through authentic, engaging, real-life experiences, now known as Experiential Marketing (Zantal-Wiener, 2017). These tactics are commonly seen on company Instagram feeds featuring photos and videos taken by various people like you and me, or posts on consumers personal accounts sponsored by businesses tagged with #ad. Each post authentically advertises for a product or brand through the eyes of everyday consumers on a platform that target markets are conversing on every day. Social media is about creating a genuine interest in the community. Brands who are making the effort to engage and interact with followers are seeing the most success economically (Alexandra, 2017). What is the problem with traditional marketing? Traditional Marketing tactics have proven to be successful for years and may always be a viable option for spreading your brand’s name. However, like every field, marketers must adapt their practices to fit with the changing times. What exactly is traditional marketing and why is it no longer working? Traditional marketing refers to both the message and the format. Conventional advertisements are used to sell, presenting a clear attempt to get users to buy a product or service. These types of ads are commonly seen in printed magazines or billboards, on television, or radio commercials (DeMers, 2016). Why are these tactics no longer industry leaders? To put it simply, consumers are no longer viewing ads in traditional places. As marketers, we must follow our target markets and present them ads on the platforms that they use the most. With television and radio user numbers dropping daily, fewer companies are pursuing traditional marketing tactics, and therefore, the practice can be considered dead.

The internet has caused people to change the way they shop, therefore marketers must move their ad dollars to reach people where they are browsing. You cannot expect your customers to seek out your brand. You need to meet them wherever they are spending their time, which is online. With the digital revolution causing the downfall of traditional marketing, a new set of tactics known as Digital Marketing rose to the forefront of the industry. “Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers” (Alexander, 2017). One of the most advantageous aspects of Digital Marketing is the vast amount of measurable data available through online platforms. Marketers can spend time trending users’ clicks, impressions, comments, likes, followers, and much more. Businesses can invest resources into SEO, which is “the process of optimizing your website to ‘rank’ higher in search engine results pages” or pay-per-click ads, which is “a method of driving traffic to your website by paying a publisher every time your ad is clicked” (Alexander, 2017). Digital Marketing can and will work for any business because nowadays, nearly everyone spends time online.

The internet of things is massive, allowing marketers to place ads on almost any webpage consumers visit.

This type of bombardment quickly began to annoy consumers. Even though marketers spent the time to alter their traditional practices to fit the digital world, consumers found ways around viewing ads- ad blockers. What many consumers do not take into account when browsing the internet, is that they are doing so for free. Besides the cost of their internet provider, most webpages do not charge visitors to view content as they are funded by advertisements. Nevertheless, ad blockers were created to eliminate any type of pop-up, banner, or side bar advertisement present online.

According to National Public Radio, Adblock Plus provides 50 to 60 million users each month with ad block software (NPR, 2015). Some sites started politely asking users to disable their ad blockers, explaining the fact that their site exists solely on the funding received from advertisers.

Without ads on webpages, users would have to pay, but instead of fighting the consumer, many businesses began to again, adapt their marketing efforts to fit with their target market’s needs, by ditching online traditional digital and switching to social media ads.

Direct vs. Indirect Marketing

There are two categories of marketing that traditional and digital practices fall into; direct and indirect. Common advertisements targeting a specific demographic purely with the purpose of making a sale is known as direct marketing (Bransom, 2017). Customers are aware that these types of advertisements are trying to sell them something with a buying process that is straightforward and fast. Direct marketing campaigns often include large-scale direct mailers, phone calls, coupons, TV ads, and emails. Typically, these practices tend to be more expensive to execute, but provide highly measurable results. The downside? Consumers often see these types of ads as pushy and annoying.

Indirect marketing, however, offers benefits to consumers outside of the product or service that the business is selling, such as entertainment or expertise (Bransom, 2017). Consumers are invited to engage, which helps to establish the brand as a field expert, building a following that will eventually convert to sales. Examples of indirect marketing efforts include blogging and product placements, which tend to be more widely accepted forms of advertisements, but are more difficult to measure and yield slower results when it comes to sales. Social media advertising is traditionally known as an indirect marketing tool, but new technology is providing opportunities for businesses to directly target specific demographics, falling in line with direct marketing practices.

Why is social media so important?

Social media is crucial for any and every business.. This is where people are spending time, so this is where marketers must invest time. Instead of asking consumers to check out your business on a platform or website that they are unfamiliar with, promote your brand on the channels where they are choosing to hang out and engage with them there. Social platforms are the most accessible point of interaction between your business and your customers and can be used to engage and build a positive image for your brand. In a Hubspot blog post written by Lucy Alexander, social media marketing is described as “the practice of promoting your brand and your content on social media channels to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for your business” (Alexander, 2017). Social media accounts allow you to show a genuine interest in the community by interacting in the space that your customers are used to.

How should businesses decide which channels to focus their social media campaigns on? The simple answer is to do some research and figure out where your target market is spending their time. Segment your target audience into groups or personas and identify the social channels that they are most likely using. Each social channel was created for a different purpose and they all present different benefits to businesses. Here is a short overview on five of the most popular channels to help you decide where to start.

Facebook is the social platform with the highest number of users, therefore it is important to maintain a strong presence to reach the largest audience. Facebook business accounts have capabilities to post photos and videos with longer captions, links to your company’s website and blog, and customer reviews. Utilize the “About” section to share contact information, hours, a company overview, and history.

Twitter is a social platform with a high volume of content and traffic. On Twitter, quantity is usually valued over quality, provided your content is relevant. Most tweets consist of just text, but there are capabilities to attach photos, videos, and links as well. Twitter does restrict the number of characters per tweet to 140 or 280, depending on your account size and type.

Instagram is an image heavy platform that should be used to showcase aesthetically pleasing photographs with short and to-the-point captions. Instagram generally has a younger audience, but is currently the fastest growing social media platform with user numbers and demographics increasing daily. Instagram is constantly updating and adding new features including sponsored posts and stories to benefit business accounts.

LinkedIn is a more professional social media platform and is especially important for companies focused on B2B marketing. Content for LinkedIn should be more professional and polished compared to other social media networks and is a great place to share company and industry news.

Snapchat is the social media platform with the smallest number of users and the most targeted audience. Users tend to be younger in age, utilizing the app to communicate and share with friends. Instead of profiles, Snapchat allows users to send or post photos and videos directly to their friends, or publicly on their stories. Direct snapchats can only be viewed once, for an amount of time designated by the sender. Snapchat stories can be viewed for 24 hours after they are posted, and then never again. Not as many businesses are currently utilizing Snapchat, but that is not to say that you shouldn’t. If your target audience falls between the ages of 14-24, Snapchat may be your best option.

What’s so great about Instagram?

Instagram is the place to be for consumers and marketers. As of September 2017, there were over 800 million active Instagram users in which there is a statistical guarantee of your specific target market’s presence (Statista, 2017). Even if your main audience is not already there, Instagram is the fastest growing social network, therefore it is only a matter of time. Alex Baker describes Instagram as a “selfie-centric, millennial-oversharing-oriented platform”, but it is so much more than that stereotype (Baker, 2015). There are many features and best practices that benefit business accounts to help target specific audiences and promote your brand, regardless if you’re selling to businesses or consumers.

If your target market is other businesses, it is important to remember that behind all of the paperwork and industry standards are regular people – people who use social media. Before you jump right to Facebook and LinkedIn, don’t count Instagram out as a place to target your clients. Instagram ads are “powered by the same ad managing tool that Facebook’s ads are. That means they have access to the same data and insights that enable Facebook to so accurately target users with ads” (Baker, 2015). B2B marketing generally focuses on a smaller target market seeking efficiency and expertise, is less personal and more value driven, and aims to generate leads who can be redirected to a salesperson where they can be converted to customers (Alexandra, 2017). What Instagram offers that Facebook and LinkedIn do not is the visual format. It’s a place for you to humanize your business and engage more intimately with your specifically targeted audience.

For B2C companies, Instagram is a more obvious platform to invest your marketing budget. B2C companies tend to have a larger target market seeking deals and entertainment, with a shorter buying cycle, a personal and emotional appeal, with importance on the product and the brand (Alexandra, 2017). Some industries that have seen the most success using Instagram marketing include e-commerce, travel, entertainment, and retail (Baker, 2015). These are all industries that focus on aesthetics, which fits perfectly with the image heavy platform. That being said, with a little creativity, any type of product or service can be marketed to aesthetically please. The primary goal of B2C traditional marketing is to attract people to your website in order to make a sale, but social media allows companies to create a more personalized valued proposition for their customers, engaging and interacting in the space where they are most comfortable. Instagram is about being present, creating a brand image, and sharing it with your target market.

Whether your company is targeting other businesses or consumers directly, Instagram is the place for you to tell stories about your brand using tactics known as Experiential Marketing. People are turned off by the ads that are so clearly trying to sell. It is our job as marketers to convince our target market that our brands and products will benefit them before they even realize they are in need. Experiential Marketing is all about direct connections and meaningful relationships made through your brand (Monllos, 2017). Showing your followers the exact experience they will have with your product or service is the best way to sell. It creates an ongoing relationship, as your audience will be more invested in your brand, rather than just the product. They will come back for more every time you post another photo that builds your image. Chris Cavanaugh, Freeman CMO, was quoted in an article about Experiential Marketing saying “By augmenting digital marketing, brand experience has the potential to increase lead generation, brand advocacy, and sales, and can even make customers feel more valued.” (Monllos, 2017). Experiential Marketing on Instagram allows you to craft your feed to perfectly represent your company through visuals, without the added clutter of status updates, shared industry news, or obvious links to your site. Don’t get me wrong, these are all great tactics for other social platforms, but what makes Instagram unique and worthwhile is the real and genuine experience you can create for your audience through images. “Brands are developed based on images, products are advertised via images, corporate image is critical for economic success.” (Schroeder, 2017). Using visuals to represent your brand is a strategic communication approach that creates a meaningful and distinguishable identity.

When it comes to measuring your Experiential Marketing campaigns on Instagram, it is important to be aware of both hard and soft metrics. Hard metrics are the traditional analytics that come with posting on social media. This includes views, likes, comments, new followers, clicks, CTA response, basically anything quantifiable that can be trended and analyzed over time. Instagram business accounts allow users to view insights on their posts through a proprietary analytics software, in which you can use to reach those who matter the most by targeting your audience specifically. There are programs through business accounts that allow users to target audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, while creating “lookalike audiences” based on your followers (Instagram, 2017).

What is more difficult to measure are the soft, or qualitative metrics, meaning the excitement that your post creates for your audience or the chatting between friends and family. Every smile and thought that your brand creates is a metric and Instagram is the place where these feelings are coming from. The number of followers, likes, or laughs that your Instagram feed generates may not necessarily translate to number of sales, but the correlation is there. Maintaining a consistent brand image and feeling on Instagram through the use of photos is one of the best ways to reach your target market, raising awareness, and eventually revenue, for your business.

3 Ways to Advertise on Instagram

There are so many possibilities when it comes to advertising on Instagram, but I have laid out three best practices that have become increasingly popular and have shown successful results.

Engaging on Your Company’s Feed

The most cost effective of my three suggestions is to simply run an Experiential Marketing campaign through your company’s original posts. Telling personal stories and building an experience around the message your brand is trying to send, even if it has nothing to do with the product or service you are selling, is a great way to engage with your audience, without spending a bunch of extra ad dollars. Two companies that have implemented successful Experiential Marketing campaigns via Instagram are Airbnb and Apple.

Airbnb is an app that allows users to find adventures nearby or in faraway places and access unique homes, experiences, and places around the world (Airbnb, 2017). Their Instagram account, found under the handle @airbnb, is run by the company, but posts photos and videos taken by consumers staying at various Airbnb rentals around the world. Airbnb uses an Instagram business account to show and tell viewers exactly what staying at one of their properties is like. Featured photos are taken by real customers, who’s personal account handle is then tagged in the photo.

They are showing their followers exactly what traveling with Airbnb is like, from the eyes of everyday people staying in homes and experiencing new cultures through their services. Airbnb’s ‘Live There’ campaign promotes experiences to customers before their adventure begins through promotional videos and photos of real travelers. They create meaningful, honest, authentic moments instead of using flashy signage and cliché messaging. They create surprise and excitement in their followers by using Instagram stories and Instagram live to show travelers in real time staying at Airbnb properties. Marketing via social channels like Instagram allows Airbnb to blend in to their followers everyday life, generating leads through daily relevance on a platform that their target audience connects with (Derse, 2017). Airbnb’s feed blends in with those of regular users, posting photos that do not resemble traditional advertisements, but instead help to tell their brand’s story through travel and family codes.

Apple, maker of the ever so popular Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, and Apple TV (Apple, 2017) has just recently entered into the world of social media marketing, but has come in on top. Just this year, Apple launched their very own verified Instagram account, found under the handle @apple, to feature photos and videos taken by consumers for their ‘Shot on iPhone’ campaign. Their feed is a flow of visually aesthetic photos and videos reposted from followers who have tagged the original post with #shotoniphone.

Like Airbnb, Apple’s feed resembles those of regular users, rather than a business trying to sell a product. Nothing about the photos that Apple posts provides information about how to purchase any of their products. They are simply showcasing the types of images that can be taken on their devices, while creating an engaging experience with their followers.

The description of each post on Apple’s account features quotes from the photographer and their personal account handles to give more exposure (Mayo, 2017). Apple wants their followers to feel participatory in their account, creating an authentic and engaging experience between the business and their consumers, which is exactly what Experiential Marketing aims to do.

Sponsored Posts and Stories

Instagram business accounts give the option to sponsor chosen posts, which means ad dollars are spent to bump the visibility of your post onto users feeds, including those who may not necessarily follow your brand. These posts are signified with the word “Sponsored” appearing under the company name as well as CTA, which redirects users to a landing page of your choice. It is extremely important to remember that Instagram is strictly a mobile platform, therefore your CTA and landing page should be tailored and optimized to the mobile user. Sponsored ads are aimed to achieve four main objectives for businesses; generating clicks to your website, increasing video views, mobile app installs, and mass awareness for you brand (Baker, 2015). Sponsored Instagram posts cost around half of what it costs to sponsor an ad on Facebook, at a price of about $5 a CPM (Lacy, 2017). A CPM is a cost per thousand impressions, therefore the bigger your brand, the more people will see your ad, and the more money it will cost you. There are four types of Instagram sponsored ads to choose from; photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads. The format of your sponsored ad will depend on your ad’s intention, the artwork you choose, and your target market.

Photo ads consist of a square or landscape image with a caption and an optional CTA button. These types of ads are the most popular as they require the least amount of setup, while offering a clean and simple design. Syracuse University School of Communication utilizes Instagram photo ads to attract potential students to their school, as seen in Figure 6. They are calling on viewers to follow the link to their webpage where they can learn more about the online masters programs offered. They chose an aesthetically pleasing photo of the S.I Newhouse School of Public Communications, paired with a brightly colored, appropriate CTA stating “Earn Your M.S. in Communications Online”. This ad clearly conveys the message that the school is intending to send to viewers, while providing a direct link to their website where users may find additional information about Syracuse University and the programs offered.

Video ads provide the same visually immersive quality as photo ads, but add the power of sound and motion to the post. Instagram allows businesses to sponsor videos of up to 60 seconds in length in both a square or landscape format (Instagram, 2017). Video ads can help to show your target audience the exact experience they will have with your product. A survey conducted by Wyzowl found that 91% of consumers will watch a video about product before making the purchase (Alexandra, 2017). Starbucks utilizes Instagram video ads to raise mass awareness for their brand by telling a story about their new seasonal drink. For example, when advertising for their new Christmas Tree Frappuccino, they posted a video of a car driving with an oversized Christmas Tree Frappuccino strapped to the top. The caption adds to the story by starting with “Hope this fits in the living room.”, metaphorically referring the frappuccino to a Christmas tree. The caption goes on to provide additional information about where and when the seasonal drink is available, while utilizing hashtags and emojis, making the post that much more relatable to the average Instagram user.

Hashtags are used to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it. Whenever a user adds a hashtag to their post, it’s able to be indexed by Instagram and becomes searchable or discoverable by other users. Starbucks uses #ChristmasTreeFrappucino to start a conversation about their new seasonal drink, encouraging other users to generate content using the same tag.

Carousel ads provide another layer of depth to your post as they allow users to swipe through multiple photos and videos in a single ad. Business accounts also have the opportunity to post additional captions for each photo or video in a carousel ad. J/Slides Footwear utilizes Instagram carousel ads to share multiple photos of different styles of shoes. A photo of a puppy was included to connect with consumers emotions, as animal codes in branding resonate with consumers. The caption of their ad tells a story of giving their shoes as a holiday gift that everyone wants. Utilizing a carousel ad for this type of post works best because it allows the company to showcase multiple styles of shoes in one ad.

These three types of sponsored ads, photo, video, and carousel all appear throughout a user’s feed, blending in with posts from the users they follow.

Story ads are the most recent addition to Instagram sponsored posts and have proven to be extremely successful thus far. An Instagram story provides an additional place for users to posts photos and videos that remain on their profiles for a default of 24 hours. Story ads appear in between stories posted by accounts that the user follows. According to Instagram, 300 million accounts are using stories, a number that is growing every day (Instagram, 2017). Instagram stories can be embedded with a website link in which a user can visit by simply swiping up on their screen while viewing the ad. This means that your Instagram story can show your product or service in use and link directly to a landing page where the product can be purchased.

Lull Mattress utilizes Instagram Story ads to show a video of a customer unboxing and setting up their Lull Mattress. The ad highlights the mattresses compacted box and easy setup. It encourages viewers to simply swipe up and visit the landing page where they can purchase their own mattress at a discounted price, creating a sense of urgency. Currently, one out of every three Instagram stories come from business accounts and one in every five results in a direct message from a viewer (Instagram, 2017). Instagram story ads can be targeted to your specific audiences and measured in the insights section of your business profile right on the app.

Gifting Products to Influencers

My final suggestion for how to use Instagram to your business’s advantage is to implement Influence Marketing tactics; a practice that engages your audience with a real-life invitation to engage back. Gifting your products or services to Instagram influencers in exchange for a post on their personal accounts about your business is a great way to reach new potential customers who may have never heard of your brand before. “Pick a partner with an audience that would be interested in your brand, but might otherwise be difficult to reach. Make sure your partner would benefit from your audience, too — you want the experience to be a win-win-win: for you, your co-brand, and the consumer.” (Zantal-Wiener, 2017). Reaching your audience through accounts run by real people creates an authenticity about your product that your business account cannot provide. You are convincing people that your brand will benefit them by showing them how real people who they associate with are using your product or service. Your audience will create a personal interpretation of your brand, imagining themselves using your product or service. Gifting products to Instagram influencers allows your brand to be participatory, hands-on, and tangible through an online dialogue (Zantal-Wiener, 2017).

FabFitFun is a company who delivers beauty boxes four times a year to subscribers filled with full-sized, premium products (FabFitFun, 2017). They have successfully implemented an entire campaign revolved around gifting their boxes to Instagram influencers. They have established the branded hashtag, #fabfitfunpartner, in which their chosen influencers tag their posts in order to index them all to one page. Each influencer posts their own photo or video of them using their favorite products from the seasonal box. Some post the ads to their Instagram feeds and some post to their stories.

Most brands will give their influencers a personal coupon code to share with their followers, encouraging users to follow the brand and subscribe to the delivery service. It is important to note that Instagram influencers do not necessarily have to have tens of thousands of followers, but can be any user who has influence over potential buyers of your product or service.


Advancements in technology have shifted the landscape of consumer and brand imagery. Ordinary people have cameras at their fingertips at all times, increasing not only the number of images in circulation, but the value of meaning behind visual rhetoric. Businesses can use social media platforms, specifically Instagram, to represent their brand identity through visuals. “Marketing acts as a representational system that produces value beyond the realm of the advertised product, service, or brand, connecting images to broader cultural codes that help create meaning.” (Schroeder, 2017). Consumers interpret their own brand image for the companies they engage with on social media, therefore it is the task of marketers to ensure that your brand is communicated with an approachable, engaging, experiential tone. Social media advertising is the current trend that is reaching audiences with more success than any traditional marketing practice ever has. Instagram is a platform that often gets looked over when business are deciding where to invest their ad budgets, but has the potential to become one of the most influential and engaging platforms for communication with your customers. Following Instagram best practices for businesses and executing any combination of the three suggested tactics will help your company to create a visual brand identity that fits with your values, in turn, increasing brand awareness, driving traffic to your website, and generating revenue for your business.


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Why You Should Use Instagram to Promote Your Business // 11


designer, developer, DIYer